Our very own Dr. Adele Seelke and Jessica Bond standing next to their poster at the Society for Behavioral Neuroendocrinology conference!
Undergrad assistants having fun in the sun during our Annual Spring picnic
Celebrating the graduation of Doctors Alexander Baxter, Chloe Karaskiewicz and Allison Lau with some of our lab alumni!
The women of the titi lab grabbing a bite to eat at the spring picnic!
Toola and Sabrina celebrating a successful round of Hiplex!
Bales lab McNair scholar Daniel Egziabher presents his autoradiography project at the 2023 Undergraduate Research Conference!
The Bales lab in Paris! After a successful SBN conference, lab members Jessica Bond, Sabrina Mederos, John Paulus, Sophia Rogers, and Adele Seelke pose in front of the Eiffiel Tower
Part of the Seavole team going to meet other prairie vole scientists over at UC Berkeley
The Seavole team enjoy the summer weather together!
Recent Publications
Relationships between cortisol and urinary androgens in female titi monkeys (Plecturocebus cupreus). Gen Comp Endocrinol. 2021
Parenting costs time: Changes in pair bond maintenance across pregnancy and infant rearing in a monogamous primate (Plecturocebus cupreus). New Dir Child Adolesc Dev. 2021
What is a pair bond? Horm Behav. 2021
Compositional variation in early-life parenting structures alters oxytocin and vasopressin 1a receptor development in prairie voles (Microtus ochrogaster). J Neuroendocrinol. 2021
Biobehavioral organization shapes the immune epigenome in infant rhesus Macaques (Macaca mulatta). Brain Behav Immun. 2021
Cannabinoid receptor Type 1 densities reflect social organization in Microtus. J Comp Neurol. 2021
Pharmacological Prevention of Neonatal Opioid Withdrawal in a Pregnant Guinea Pig Model. Front Pharmacol. 2021